How to fill you soul with positivity

Do you know that feeling when someone yells at you or treats you bad. You feel that rage inside you, especially if someone bullies you in front of others in a subtle manipulative way. The rage comes and you cannot lose your temper because you'll be regarded as a lunatic by others. In that moment you feel like your soul has vanished and all that is left is your powerless body.

Additionally, if you also have a mental illness like anxiety things get quite bad and, before you know it, it's time to go to bed and you're still playing over and over that horror scene in your head. This keeps on going for days until you are exhausted and feel completely worthless. Even when that period passes you feel an emptiness inside of you like you have no soul or a huge part of you is missing.

You are not alone. You can be whole again. Do you remember that moment when you helped your grandparents, your parents or that work colleague? Do you remember that moment when you addressed a kind word to somebody feeling bad? Try to remember those moments. Whenever you selflesly do something good for someone in need you also feel good about yourself. If you're having a bad day, but still find some kind words for someone who is also having a bad day you'll feel better. 

Filling your inner emptiness is not so complicated as you imagined it would be. Every good deed without expecting something in return fills you with positivity. With every kind word toward someone who is in need of a little push to find the strenght within and get up, you boost the positivity inside of you. Thinking positive will help you feel better, but the trick is in doing, not just thinking. We can imagine every dance move in our heads, but only with practice we can learn to dance.

Help others get better and you'll be better.

I started writing this blog to share all the things that helped me ease my mental pain over the years and I hope it will help you too. We need a healthier society and I hope we'll succeed. 
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I wish you all the best.
