Do you have anxiety?

Anxiety can create a huge wall between you and other people, disabling you to live and function properly. Humans are social beings who need to interact with other members of their society in order to be healthy and live long. Several studies shown that social interaction is critical for mental and physical health.

I'm here to share with you what I have found that helps me to struggle with anxiety.

The most important thing to know is that you need to take care of your body. If you are physically healthy it gives you a better chance to improve your mental health. Developing a dailiy workout routine besides improving your health gives something steady to hold on to in your life when things go bad.

When you get home from work, if it has been a bad day, your brain is telling you to hit the bed. Well, I must say this, your brain is not always right and the worst thing you could do is to hit the bed because when you go to sleep you let your brain memorize all the bed things that happened at work that day. Instead of avoiding reality, you should be doing something that puts your muscles in action like cleaning the house, washing the dishes or making dinner. So, remember, when your brain is telling you to hide in your bed because you're having a bad day, do the opposite.

Constant seeking for others approval will get you nowhere, because every time you don't get it your mental state will worsen. You don't need anybody's approval, it's your life and you need to make your own choices. Do things that make you happy and, if for example you hate your job, work every day toward finding a better place for you. Whatever you do don't give up and remember that you are worth something.

Connect with other people, you need to interact with other members of your society in order to be healthy and live long. I know it's frightening to socialize with other people but you have to be persistent and things will get better. You just need more practice and trust in other people. Crucial part is to change your mindset and learn to forget situations which are source of your daily anxiety.

A few more things to remember.

Every day is a fight.
Every good thing comes from sacrifice.
There isn't a problem without at least one solution.
Stand up for yourself because nobody else will instead of you.
Do good, because when you help, you create better connections with other people and also feel better about yourself.
Whatever happens you'll be okay.

If you want to help other people, you should check out this post.

I started writing this blog to share all the things that helped me ease my mental pain over the years and I hope it will help you too. We need a healthier society and I hope we'll succeed. 
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I wish you all the best.
