Why should you keep a daily journal

Today is a bad day. What good happened today? Every day something bad happens to me, I have bad luck. Am iI really worthless? What did I accomplish in my life? Does anybody care about me?
Do these thoughts sound familiar to you?

Don’t listen to these negative thoughts because they aren’t true. Negative thoughts can make a lot of damage because you start fighting with them in your mind, but they keep coming back and little by little wear you down. You keep recalling only the bad things that happened to you and once you enter this wicked circle it’s hard to get out. At the end of the day you feel tired and powerless and just want to hit the bed.

From my experience, keeping a journal can help you break free from that wicked circle. At the end of every day write what did you do, who have you met and what happened to you that day. You can choose which parts to put in or leave out of your journal. It’s best to write in a small notebook which you can carry around with you because writing with your hand instead of typing gives your brain a chance to memorize it better, it’s better for your eyes and you have fewer distractions when writing than you would have on your smartphone. I use a small soft cover Moleskine journal, but you can use whatever suits you.

So, what are the benefits of keeping a journal? Keeping a journal will help you direct the flow of your thoughts into something constructive and meaningful. It will help you improve your memory because every time when writing you will browse trough your memory and try to recall everything that happened that day. After a while you will notice that when writing you are focused mostly on positive stuff that happen in your day. This is a great way to see that every day something positive can happen to you, that every day you are worth something and that every day you’ve accomplished something.

Here you can read my post on fighting anxiety.

I started writing this blog to share all the things that helped me ease my mental pain over the years and I hope it will help you too. We need a healthier society and I hope we'll succeed. 
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I wish you all the best.
