What is success, anyway?

Everybody talks about success, like "He's successful. He's running a big company, drives a Ferrari and has a beautiful house on the beach." We are bombarded daily with articles like "Ten steps for success." or "Five steps to achieve success in life".

But what is success, anyway? Does being successful means to have a better material status or maybe to be respected in your community? Is it something measurable? Can I make an analisys of success between successful people and then draw a chart to show how much are they successful? Will I be happy after becoming successful?

What is success? Is it having friends which you care about and love spending time with? Is it having your family who are your biggest support through thick and thin? Is it when you're having a bad day but despite that you achieve that one tiny good thing? Is it when your whole world has crashed but you suck it up and survive the day? Is it when you find an inspirational thought that changes forever your life path? We are getting close.

Real success is to keep on doing what you love despite all the negative thoughts and setbacks, whether it's profitable or not. I could never relate success to achieving something material. You all have dreams and money is not a foundation of your dreams. Your dreams are a seek for happiness and, here I must dissapoint you, happiness is not a final destination because it shows itself when we enjoy what we are doing and not only when we reach our goals.

Nobody can tell you how much successful you are, only you can define that.
Real success is to see the happiness that already lies inside of us.
So, do what you enjoy doing and be successful.

I started writing this blog to share all the things that helped me ease my mental pain over the years and I hope it will help you too. We need a healthier society and I hope we'll succeed. 
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I wish you all the best.
