Bad to the bone

How to define bad?

If someone insults you, he is maybe having a bad day or he just needs something to change his perspective. It doesn't mean necessarily that he is not a good person. Ok, he could be bad if his behaviour is chronic, but for most of the times it's just a bad day.

Deceits and gossips?
On the other hand, if someone says good things about your personality and encourages you in your work, but behind your back says all the opposite, you know that he is not a good person.

Kill somebody?
The one who kills another person is a bad person. Ok, we can question the motives behind that, or if it was in self defense. But, let's say that he is a bad person.

Psychological manipulation?
The one who uses other people for his own interests to rob, deprive of freedom or kill other people under the pretext that it's for the common good, he is evil.

As mentioned in the previous post, bad seeds are a type of spores.

But in reality a very small percentage of bad seeds are actually bad. Most of bad seeds with a little push can become good seeds. A majority of the bad things that people do comes from fear. There is plenty of different types of fears and many of them are suppressed in our heads and do not see the light of day. We can see the fears of other people only through actions they take. How to turn a bad seed into good or how to pull out a bad seed from the dark side of the force will be in one of the future posts.
I'm not telling you to judge who is bad or good just keep in mind that you shouldn't be naive when helping someone. It is up to you to decide if you should and how will you help someone in need.

When you give a gun to someone, it can be used to shoot a deer to survive or to kill someone else.
When you teach someone to catch a fish in the lake, he can catch it to feed himself and his family or he can start his own business by catching and selling fish from the lake till the lake dries out of fish.

You can read here more on creating a better world or maybe you want to know what are the three barriers preventing us to help others

I started writing this blog to share all the things that helped me ease my mental pain over the years and I hope it will help you too. We need a healthier society and I hope we'll succeed. 
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I wish you all the best.
